Even though apartments have been produced in significant quantities, the Moroccan house accounts for 67% of the park in urban areas. 9% of the dwellings were vacant, compared to 12% in 2000.
This is a great gift that the Department of Housing makes to real estate developers at the beginning of the year. The Nabil Benabdellah Department is preparing to unveil a national survey on
Housing, of which La Vie éco was able to obtain the primeur. This large-scale project carried out for the second time in Morocco (the last survey of its kind in 2000) makes it possible to see much more clearly on the national park of urban habitats, especially in an environment where promoters say they lack Visibility on demand. It is equally useful for public authorities to take stock of habitat policies and better guide future policies. Beyond that, the survey answers all the questions that can be posed out of curiosity about the way the Moroccans are lodged. 5.8 million dwellings in urban areas by the end of 2012.
A figure to remember first: in Morocco there are 5.8 million dwellings in urban areas.
However, the study only considers the park at the end of 2012 (the year in which the field surveys were carried out). By adding production over the last three years, according to official statistics, which stood at nearly 440,000 dwellings, the current fleet is close to 6.2 million. Dating back to 2000, housing totaled only 4 million, an increase of 55% in 15 years, with an average annual production of nearly 150,500 units over the period.
Notably, 8 of the 16 regions are home to 80% of urban dwellings. These are the regions of Casablanca, Rabat, Tangier, Souss, Marrakech, Oriental, Meknes and Fez. The Casablanca region alone accounts for nearly 21% of the total. If it is reunited with Rabat, the proportion rises to nearly a third.
The survey also reveals that 79% of the houses accounted for are occupied mainly. Secondary, vacant and professional dwellings are estimated at 6%, 9% and 3% respectively. In the case of habitat types, apartments in buildings account for only a quarter of the main occupied park (only this park is detailed by type of dwelling), even if there is a Built in recent years. It is rather the Moroccan house that remains dominant with a 67% share. There are still 4% of villas and as many basic buildings or shanty towns.65% of buildings are less than 30 years old.
In addition to housing, the survey also quantified the number of buildings by taking the building as a unit rather than the individual dwelling. The purpose of the exercise is to determine
The allocation of existing buildings (dwellings, professionals, public facilities, etc.), but also to analyze the state of construction at the national level.
Thus, the number of buildings is estimated at 3.6 million. Housing remains by far the first use of buildings with a 66% share. Only strictly professional buildings account for 11%. This small share can be surprising considering that in Casablanca, for example, many office programs have been carried out in recent years, so much so that today we are talking about oversupply in this market. And even throughout the national territory, many areas of tertiary activity have emerged. The fact is that the building stock for professional use is limited because more and more mixed-use buildings (residential and professional) are being favored. They accounted for 22% of total buildings compared with 13% in 2000.
Moreover, the survey reveals the relative youth of the building stock in Morocco: 65% of the buildings are under 30 years old. On the other hand, the study confirms a fact that can be seen by walking in any city in Morocco: the condition of the facades of the buildings leaves something to be desired.
Nearly half are in an average state, 15% have cracks and 9% have large openings. Nearly 517,000 unoccupied dwellings.
Despite all this, we are still talking about a housing deficit, 9% of the park, or nearly 517 000 habitats, is vacant. However, this proportion has dropped significantly. In 2000, it was 12% or 480,000 dwellings. Paradoxically, the vacant park is close to the housing deficit estimated at the end of 2015 to 500,000 units. To the extent that unoccupied dwellings constitute an attractive deposit to meet current needs, the survey analyzes this component in depth. This shows that almost half of the vacant homes are Moroccan houses while 44% are apartments in buildings. And they have been vacant for long periods of time: 56% of the vacant homes at the national level have been vacant for more than 24 months and 24% have been vacant for over a year. The investigation is breaking